- 中華民國陶藝協會為非營利性的組織。營運經費完全由義工、私人陶藝工作者及陶藝愛好者捐助。
- 請支持我們的文化工作。贊助支持請與我們聯繫,感謝您的支持!
- 中華民國陶藝協會
- 聯繫電話:02-2679-9119
- The Chinese Ceramics
Association Taiwan (CCAT) is a non-profit organization. It operates
on donations from volunteer workers, private individuals, ceramic
artists, ceramic studios, and ceramics lovers.
- Please support ourcultural
work by sponsoring us with a donation to the following account:
- Post Office Deposit
Account Number: 1674 9733
- Tel:886-2-2679-9119